Thursday 14 April 2011

Curious Post..

At last I  have made up my mind to write something.
It is a bit tough to start something in the beginning.
I have struggled to make myself clear about the first post. Posting something is not a big deal but it I thought to start it with something creative innovative or something new. To do that, I could not decide which one to talk about. Many things have come up in my mind for the blog. The first one was to write about myself(which everyone does, of course). Next one was about relationships, how to start a keep up with a relationship and all that stuff. On April 2, I thought of posting about India's victory in the world cup and about team work.But dint find anything new in that. Later it was the turn of life and philosophy. Thinking of why would a joyful dude listen to my words about philosophy and life, I had to stop it.
This eventually made me a bit lazy about posting. .Actually I was feeling shy to post too. I had an inferiority complex about speaking English properly. Moreover, the final examinations were nearing. So I almost ignored my thought for a week. Later I felt its difficult to attempt.

Two days back it was a sentence which made me come out of all these illusions.

"There is nothing great in doing an easy task."

I was almost sleeping when a person spoke this sentence. It struck directly into my mind and made me feel strong. I have liked the actual meaning of it which is

"There is something great in attempting for a challenging one.If you do it, then you own the credit."

It was at that moment I told myself "From this moment onwards, I am going to attempt DIFFICULT things "
It actually sounded difficult even to me.
So I have made up my mind to at least attempt for CHALLENGING tasks.
From that moment I have stopped using the word "Difficult". Instead replaced it with "Challenging".
This made things look different for me. I was feeling Impossible(Difficult) as Possible(Challenging).
May it be me going on to moon. Y not??

Right at that moment I thought of giving an attempt to the challenging things going on in my mind.
The first one was to post on y blog.It was because I was excited about blogging and later felt it difficult. I have decided not to give up. But things don't actually happen if u have enough of emotion.
You also should have a thought. Then I started thinking about the title, design, topic etc..... Went mad again!
  The only thing I was worried about was whether or not my viewers would like it. I even thought of making my blog stylish, funny, funky, with lots of stuff but controlled my excitement since there was no main content. What would I do with other stuff...

It was then that I actually started thinking. I am blogging for users!. It is like as if I am starting a company and I need investors for it!. The main motto of any company is to serve the Best its investors. So at last I have decided What to post about. I was relieved.
My first post is for the my viewers.Now I really think I have given a good attempt to my challenge which will definitely turn as interest.

I am not sure about what ll I blog about because, if I do so, ill be confined only to that area.
I am here to blog about everything. Let it be about an emotional feeling, a personality, personal stuff, movies, philosophy. This blog is about posting things for its viewers. It is democratic.Of course, I be discussing about my personal experiences too!! hehe.

I hope my story about this blog will make you look for my future posts.
I will give an attempt to meet your expectations and expect to meet it.
My next blog might take some time since I am having another challenge (exams) waiting for my attempt.

I ll be back soon with something new. . . .

Take Care
